Science Valley Academy

Science Valley Academy

السبت، 5 مارس 2011

Free Student Management System

تم عمل نظام جديد لتسجيل الطلاب. بعد التوجه للإرشاد الأكاديمى ومعرفة المواد المطروحة لك يتم تسجيل الطلاب على النظام الجديد حيث يسمح للطالب بالدخول على
ويرى الجدول وإيضا يتابع غيابه ويمكن تقيم المادة اخر الفصل
يرجى العلم ان سيتم تسجيل الغياب يوم بيومه ولا يسمح النظام باضافة اى طالب بعد يوم المحاضرة كما لا يسمح بإدخال الغياب غير للطلاب المسجلين بالمادة

Science Valley Academy

Science Valley Academy consists of School of Management, where you can get a BA in Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Invetment & Banking, and Information Systems.
And the School of Engineering & Technology, where you can get a BS in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Communication & Electronics, Computer Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Multimedia Design Engineering, Interior Design Engineering.
We aim at increasing the level of education of our students as to combine both the academic and practical view. In addition, we seek a healthy individual in terms of mental, physical, psychological and social interactions. It is a challenge and a necessity to reach for an international altitude. It is the Valley of Sciences, so Join us
